Sunrise, sunset…swiftly flow the years. It’s so true. My baby turned 20 today. He’s morphed from a 9 lb, 10 oz. bundle of joy into a 6 foot-4 young man with a sparkling personality. Of course, it didn’t happen overnight, but looking back it seems like the years moved with warp speed. Thankfully, I haven’t aged a bit (right!)
I’m super proud of Dan. He comes after two accomplished sisters who have blazed a trail that sets them apart as distinctive, interesting individuals. Dan is no different in that regard. He’s his own man. Lord, just give me about five more years of Dan as a young adult – no wife, no kids – not yet.
Happy birthday Dan and may you live to be 100 – as the Polish song goes which we will sing for you tonight over the birthday cake that you don’t want (because you don’t like sweets – but we do!)
Now, let’s turn up that punk rock and get back to living.