Thursday, January 22, 2009

President Obama paints a vision that Americans can embrace

The inauguration of President Barack Obama can’t pass without my comments. His presence in the White House is a breath of fresh air. He’s a true leader in his demeanor, judicious thinking, inclusiveness and eloquence. In his speech, President Obama successfully portrayed a vision for the future that people can understand and embrace.

When listening to his address, I thought it had a somber tone. I expected more of the uplifting, “let’s rally behind the team” type of speech. I wasn’t disappointed, just maybe a little let down. I wanted a hopeful message that the country would be on the right track and soon.

In order to truly absorb the speech, I wanted to read it. I was delighted to find it laid out with such elegance and respect in the commemorative supplement of the Detroit News (yes, we still need newspapers!). Reading the speech brought me to tears. His fluid, riveting manner of speaking is rooted in careful deliberation. As a writer, I can see the effort that he puts into this noble craft that remains one of the best ways to communicate. I connected with just about each and every point of his speech.

He used powerful imagery when he told corrupt leaders, “We will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.” He made many points that recalled the country’s historic upheavals, and used the right touch of symbolism when he said, “…a man whose father less than 60 years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath.” Through these touch-points, the message was crystal clear: when we work through conflicts and discord based on our founding principles, we emerge stronger as a nation.

When President Obama delivered the speech, I was a bit distracted by looking at the crowds – a majestic sea of nearly two million faces of all races and ages. Reading his speech in a quiet time brought greater clarity. The sincerity of his message reflects a man who, I believe, will be able to lead the country to new heights and renewed greatness. But it will take time.

The inauguration was a day for celebration and hope. It was a day that all Americans could unite and wrap their arms around our country’s principles and also around each other – because President Obama made us truly realize we are all in this together and only by working together will we emerge stronger. He struck the right chord when he said, “On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.”

Thank God that this is a great county and we have a great leader.

1 comment:

  1. Very well said,Liz. I was glued to the TV throughout the inaugural activities on the Mall and thought President Obama's speech was the perfect combination of reality and hope. Tuesday, January 20th was indeed a wonderful day for our country - that's something both Democrats and (most) Republicans can agree on.


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