Thursday, July 26, 2012

How to grow the U.S. economy

I'm not an economist or a politician, simply an American who wants the best for our country and its people. Here are some of my ideas to get the economy humming again and put people back to work.
1. Fix the infrastructure: roads, bridges.

2. Build mass transit where needed (metropolitan areas where traffic is a headache).
3. Private/public investment in sustainable innovation: indestructible road surface,  health care advances, etc.
4. Better ways to connect buyers with sellers (internet market places).
5. Export more goods.
6. Maintain dominance in industries/products that are in demand and pay workers a living wage.
7. Provide ways for people to stay in shape: pools, parks, courts, playing fields. (This will give them energy to be active and stay healthy.)
8. Promote culture – make it an integral part of life that is easy to access for people of all economic statuses.
9. Nutritional classes and cooking classes for all.
10. Free mentorship for small business owners. (combination of private/public sector)

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